Menu principale:
Rivolta d'Adda (CR), 1967
Vive e lavora a Gradella di Pandino (CR)
Mostre presso la MEB Arte Studio / Exhibition at MEB Arte Studio
Volto -
Segno & Disegno
Paesaggi Contemporanei
Mostre Personali / Solo Exhibition
Memory and desire. museum of Crema (CR);
Drawings and engravings 1990-
CFM Gallery , New York (USA);
Agostino Arrivabene, engravings 1988-
Agostino Arrivabene paintings 1988-
Mirabilia, Cultural Center of the Muses, Andria (Bari);
Agostino Arrivabene paintings Braga Gallery, Piacenza;
Agostino Arrivabene landscape, Inventions of a visionary, Antonia Jannone Gallery, Milano;
Mirabilia naturae. Antonia Jannone Gallery, Milano;
The dying sun in the blue room, Cultural Centre of the Muses, Andria (Bari);
Metamorphosis, Forni Gallery, Bologna;
Urania, illustrations for Urania of A. Manzoni, Manzoni Studies Centre, Milano;
Deliriums, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, 53^ Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Spoleto;
Magnificent obsessions, curated by Armando Audoli, Benappi Gallery, Torino;
Plutonic Hysteria, Antonia Jannone Gallery , Milano;
Theoin, curated by Carolina Lio, First Gallery, Roma;
To Pathei Mathos, curated by Gerd Lindner, Rosaria Fabrizio, Peter Weirmair, Panorama Museum, Badfrankenhausen Germany;
Mostre Collettive / Groups Exhibition
Biennale of drawings contemporary, AAB Gallery, Brescia;
Biennale Postumia Giovani, Museum of modern and contemporary art of Gazoldo deli Ippoliti, Gazoldo deli Ippoliti (Mantova);
La Nef des Fous, Centre Internationale de l'Art Fantastique, Gruyeres Castle, Gruyeres, (Switzerland);
Winter Group Show, CFM Gallery, New York (USA);
Leonardo Sciascia amateur des estampes prize Leonardo Sciascia, The Association Friends of Leonardo Sciascia, Sormani Library, Milano;
En cent metamorphoses la femme, Centre intrnationale de l'Art Fantastique, Chateau de Gruyeres (Switzerland);
Walking with the cross, Museum civic of Crema, Crema;
Between dreams and magic, Visionary art from castle of Gruyeres, Museum of Modern and contemporary art of Piombino, Piombino, (Livorno);
Scenes from movies, Valsusa Filmfest, Castle of Contessa Adelaide, Susa, (Torino);
The room of wonders, Castle of Masino Caravino, (Torino);
Surrealist painting in Italy, from De Chirico to Leonor Fini, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Revoltella Museum, Trieste;
Surrealismo Padano, From De Chirico to Foppiani, curated by Vittorio sgarbi, Gothic Palace, Piacenza;
Morbidamente Donna, curated by Alessandro Riva, Antonia Jannone Gallery, Milano;
The strange journey of Mr. Rhinoceros, Museum of the Histhoric Natural Sciences Museum of Turin, Torino;
Sui generi -
Beyond, Investigation of the metaphysical dimension in the art the XXI century; Museum of the modern and Contemporary art, Pavullo nel Frignano (Modena);
Scenographies for Hans Heiling di Heinrich Marschner, lyric theatre of Cagliari, Directed by Pierluigi Pizzi, Cagliari;
Finalist in "Cairo Comunication Prize" Permanente Palace, Milano;
Animalia, Forni Gallery, Bologna;
Silence, The Contemporary still life between Italy and the Netherlands, " The Gallery of the Gerosolimitani, Perugia;
Sui Generi -
Evil. Exercises of cruel painting, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Palazzo di Caccia di Stupinigi (Torino);
The anxiety of the face, From Lorenzo Lotto to Pirandello, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Archeological Museum of Aosta, Aosta;
Primitive visionary eccentric, curated by Laura Gavioli, Civic Gallery of Loffredo Palace, Potenza;
The mistery of things, the object and his soul from Albrecht Durer to Gianfranco Ferroni, Cultural Centre "Le cappuccine" Bagnacavallo, (Ravenna);
Sui generi -
The anxiety of the face, from Lorenzo Lotto to lucien Freud, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, events space BPL, Lodi;
Michetti Prize "Italian Laboratory "Italy Lab" Michetti Museum, Francavilla a Mare, (Chieti);
Antology of italian Figuration contemporary, curated by Alberto Agazzani, Figurae gallery, Theknè international, Milano;
Italian Painting, 1969-
Water, the wather in the contemporary art, Forni Gallery, Bologna;
Water, the wather in the contemporary art, Contemporary art museum of Pavullo in Frignano (Modena);
13 x 17, Italian Pavillion, curated by Philippe Daverio, Berengo studio, Murano, Venezia;
Vade Retro, Omosexuality and Art from Von Gloden to Pierre et Gilles, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Real Palace of Santa Maria Novella in Firenze;
Vade Retro, Omosexuality and Art from Von Gloden to Pierre et Gilles, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Palace of Reason, Milano;
58 Michetti Prize, New painter of the reality, curated by Alessandro Riva, Francavilla a Mare, (Chieti);
58 Michetti Prize, New painter of the reality, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, PAC Pavillion the contemporary art, Milano;
Water, the wather in the contemporary art, Angers(France);
Flowers, Forny Gallery, Milano;
Aspects, of Italian figurative art, Italy the latest generations, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Villa Genovese Zerbi, Reggio Calabria;
"Rumors" is great the confusion in the sky, The situation is Excellent, (Mao Zedong), curated by AA.VV. Italian Factory, Ex arsenal Borgo Dora, Torino;
The soul of water, contemporary art, Franchetti Gallery Ca d'Oro, Venezia;
Ut Pictura Poesis, Center Promotion of Cultural the Muses, Andria (Bari);
Rose purity and passion in the art from 400' to now -
Aldo Roncaglia Biennale, "the breath of the 'other" Estense Castle, San Felice on the Panaro, (Modena);
L'urlo del Silenzio -
Prize" Leonardo Sciascia Amateur des estampes", Sforzesco Castle, civic collection of prints Achille Bertarelli, Milano;
Papier, Forni gallery, Bologna;
II Archer Prize, ( First prize) curated V.Sgarbi, Archeological Museum, S. Antioco, (Carbonia) Iglesias);
Italian Portraits, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Municipal Palace, Cento (Ferrara);
Italian Portraits, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Durini foundation, Milano;
Contemporary fossils, curated by Vladek Cwalinski, Wannabee Gallery, Milano;
Dell'arte immortale, curated by Marcello Riccioni and Anna Lisa Ghirardi, Civic collection of the drawings, Salo (Brescia);
Biennial Postumia young, 2010/2011, curated by Beatrice Buscaroli, Art Modern Gallery of Gazoldo degli Ippoliti, (Mantova);
Elements 50 x 50 x 4, curated by B.Buscaroli, Galleria L.I.B.R.A , Catania;
L'altra faccia -
Magnificent Obsession, curated by Armando Audoli, Benappi gallery, Torino;
The shadow of the divine in the contemporary art, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Event collateral in 54 biennale of Venice, Grimani Palace, Venezia;
54^ Venice Biennale, Italian Pavillion, curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, Arsenale, Venice;
Open space 2, curated by F. De Chirico, C. Cipriani, National Gallery of Cosenza Arnone Palace, Cosenza;
Art Verona contemporary art fair, Bonelli Lab, Verona;
Anomalies, curated By Jon Beinart, Copro Gallery, Santa Monica, CA, U.S.A.;
In the sign of the image -
4 Way Street. M.Alioto, A. Arrivabene, G. Ortona, B. Siciliano, curated by Luca Beatrice, Te Palace , Mantova;
Arte fiera, art first, Forni Gallery, Bologna;
BeinArt Collective, curated by Jon Beinart , Copro Gallery Santa Monica CA , U.S.A:
CONTRASTI, Dialoghi dal figurativo al concettuale, curated by A.Audoli, Benappi Arte Antica e Moderna, Torino;
Mad Hatters, curated by Ixie Darkonn, Flower Pepper Gallery, Pasadena, California;
Trompe l'oeil, inganno per gli occhi, curated by Rob smeets, Le gallerie dei Gerosolimitani, Perugia;
Cibo per gli occhi, Barbara Frigerio Gallery, Milano;
I:Mage, curated by Robert ansell, 32 store street Bloomsbury, London;
The Drawingroom, curated By Peter Weiermair, Ursula-
SEGNO & DISEGNO, a cura di Valerio Dehò e Marco Emilio Bertona, MEB Arte Studio, Borgomanero (NO);
PAESAGGI CONTEMPORANEI, a cura di Marco Emilio Bertona, MEB Arte Studio, Borgomanero (NO);